Friday, November 18, 2011

Juvenile Cited For Killing Buck

A Bridgeport youth has been cited for illegally taken a trophy buck along Medowbrook Road near Bridgeport. On November 4th investigation started from a Harrison County Taxidermist. Natural Resources Officer Sgt. Waybright examined the head and recovered a bullet from the 10-point buck allegedly shot with a rifle prior to deer rifle season. The field tag also identified the suspected shooter. Officer Waybright and Officer Randall Kocsis set up a meeting to talk with the youth and family soon after. The youth claimed he was bow hunting during the opening day of Archery season. When officers ask about the bullet the teen admitted to have been hunting with a 30/30 during the youth deer rifle season that can only take antlerless deer. He checking in the deer as a bow kill then taken it the taxidermist. The juvenile was cited for the following killing deer during closed season, illegal possession of wildlife, and improper checking of game. Since the deer determined the neck size and the measurement of the antlers of 15 inches made the 10-point buck to have a replacement fee of $1,000.00. The youth could face additional fines. The case is pending in the Harrison County Court House.

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